In the early summer I bought a Surly Instigator off of craigslist and rode it for a month getting ready for our trip to Montana where we were going to and did ride our bikes in the Gravely mountain range. Flirting with 10,000 feet the riding was more strenuous than I expected but we had a great time. When we got back to Butte, our tent tried to fly away while we were aiiring it out (it rained on us while we camped in the mountaiins) but obsessive staking saved the day.
We saw a lot of family on the trip to and from Montana, and I am glad we went.
When we got back to Minnesota I kept riding the instigator and eventually needed new tires. Forsaking the mountain tread for Shwalbe Big Apples. A kickass tire I say. not much good in snow though.
Except for a few rides I really haven't been riding Frenchie at all this year. The instigator and the wiinter beater ride better on the city streets with the pot holes and cracked road surface. I like having a faster bike around, but I am really liking the feeling in my hands.
Shannon was sent overseas for work and I went to visit her there. and that was an awesome trip too. We went to Hong Kong, hung out in Manila, ate some fantastic foods for half a pittance. When we went to Hong Kong the first night we ordered small beers and they returned with gigantic beers to our figuring.
After I got home I went to plays and movies and camping with my friends. I look back and see all the things that didn't go well in 2009; the car accidents, and lost loved ones and I think: this was a pretty good year.
If we can't look at what goes right in a year I don't know what to do. Here's to a pretty good year and many to come.